Matthew Streeter

Since 2016 I've been working on machine perception at Google. From 2012-2016 I worked at Duolingo, where I led a team devoted to optimizing learning efficacy. From 2008-2012 I worked on AdWords at Google Pittsburgh.

In December 2007 I graduated from the CMU Computer Science PhD program, after defending my thesis. I then spent a semester as a postdoc in the CMU Robotics Institute, working with my graduate advisor Stephen Smith.

Before coming to CMU I worked with John Koza at Genetic Programming, Inc. using evolutionary algorithms to synthesize analog electrical circuits. In 2005 we received a patent for one of our evolved circuits. It is one of the first patents ever granted for a machine-generated invention, and has prompted a patent law puzzle as well as some theological confusion.

ICML 2018
Best Paper, EDM 2015
with Brendan McMahan, NIPS 2014
with Brendan McMahan, NIPS 2012
with Brendan McMahan, COLT 2010
with Daniel Golovin and Andreas Krause, NIPS 2009
with Brendan McMahan, COLT 2009
with Daniel Golovin, NIPS 2008
with Stephen Smith, UAI 2008
with Daniel Golovin and Stephen Smith, AAAI 2007
with Daniel Golovin and Stephen Smith, AAAI 2007
with Stephen Smith, ICAPS 2007
with Stephen Smith, CP 2006
with Stephen Smith, AAAI 2006
with Stephen Smith, ICAPS 2006
with Stephen Smith, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2006
with Stephen Smith, ICAPS 2005
GECCO 2004
GECCO 2003
with John Koza, Martin Keane, Bill Mydlowec, Jessen Yu, and Guido Lanza, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
with John Koza and Martin Keane, Scientific American, 2003
with John Koza and Martin Keane, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2003
with Lee Becker, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2003
EuroGP 2003
with Martin Keane and John Koza, ICONS 2003
with Martin Keane and John Koza, GECCO 2002
with Martin Keane and John Koza, Evolvable Hardware 2002